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ISO 20000-1 - Certification
ISO 20000-1 - Certification Registration
What You Will Get
- Application drafting
- Drafting of policy standards
- Certificate issue
* Stamp duty Extra for States: Punjab, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim
* Package includes one time application of Name approval.
Fees and charges
8999/- only
Registration in just 7 - 10 Days
No Additional Government Fees
No Govt. Fees
ISO 20000-1 Certification
ISO 20000-1 is a service management system standard. It specifies the requirements for the service provider to do the following:
- Planning the SMS
- Establishing the SMS
- Implement the SMS
- Operate the SMS
- Monitor the SMS
Now, where does the information technology comes in? Well, the way to provide the best SMS is through the information technology. To that end, the purpose of ISO 200000-1 is to provide the best information technology management standard as well.
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